Featured Blogs

IT GRC Automation with Third Ray Compliance Automation Platform

Understand the benefits of Third Ray Compliance Automation Platform and how it helps companies overcome challenges in IT GRC Automation.
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Third Ray CAP
Blockchain Technology in FinTech & ThirdRayAI

Understand Blockchain technology, its power to eliminate the trust element and provide completely secure and accurate KYC verifications, how blockchains enhance trade lifecycles, trade capture, and risk management. Learn how ThirdRayAI combines AI & blockchain technology. 
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Blockchain Technology
Intelligent Content Processing for Investment Teams

Marketing, client on-boarding, funding, trading, investment events, and redemption processes are heavily documentation-oriented and demand detailed document processing. 
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Content Processing

Other Blogs 

Automate Fintech Services with AI Document Processing

Learn how fintech industry processes can be automated and how technologies such as AI, ML, OCR can improve the efficiency of the fintech industry.
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Mobirise Website Builder
ThirdRayAI & Customs Clearance

Data extraction from documents plays a vital role in Customs Clearance processes in the Logistics and Transportation industry, and there is a growing demand for document automation solutions.
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Customs Clearance
How many books are there in a law library?

There are hundreds of thousands of books and articles related to legislation, case law, patents, treaties, legislation amendments, reports, explanatory notes, etc. along with legal citators, indexes…
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Books in a law library

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